We are proud to bring some of the world's biggest brand stories to life.

We’re honored to help today’s preeminent thought leaders bring their stories to life

Marc Randolph

Tory Johnson

Rodney & Colleen Yee

Donna Karan

Jillian Micheals

Dr. Nicholas Perricone

Tim Sanders

David Bach

Danny Meyer

David Pottruck

Joe DeSena

Doctor Mike

Dr. Phil McGraw

Mike Tyson

Dr. Harvey Karp

Dr. Jennifer Ashton

Dr. David Perlmutter

Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Shawn Achor

Ryan Holiday

Dr. Stephen Covey

Joel Osteen

Gabby Bernstein

Tony Robbins

Our work delivers success for our clients and is recognized throughout the industry as being best-in-class. We’ve received multiple accolades throughout our history for helping our clients reach their full potential, including a lifetime achievement award for founder Heidi Krupp.