Creating a new leader in reproductive endocrinology
Reproductive endocrinology in the USA is a $9B+ industry, focused on reactively treating infertility.
We were tasked to establish Prelude as a viable business at launch, generate consumer awareness, support clinic acquisition, and demonstrate growth opportunities.
We used Prelude’s medical leaders as go-to resources for health and wellness media to reframe the nation’s cultural narrative from a focus on reactively treating infertility to nurturing fertility and the benefits of fertility preservation.
Krupp led with Prelude founder Martin Varsavsky’s personal story of overcoming infertility as his inspiration for creating Prelude.
A Forbes cover story featuring Varsavsky timed to launch at the annual ASRM conference (American Society of Reproductive Medicine), followed by steady coverage in top-tier national and regional media
Steady growth to eventually become the largest network of fertility clinics in the US
Awareness and credibility driven by PR and industry exposure, which aided in implementing major acquisitions throughout the US and Canada